
The Trillion-Dollar Opportunity: Visibility into Human Potential as a Pathway to Inclusive Growth (Harvard)


Impact Hiring: How Data Will Transform Youth Employment (Rockefeller Foundation)

(Rockefeller Foundation)

Learning is Earning in the National Learning Economy (ACT Foundation, The Institute for the Future)

 (ACT Foundation, The Institute for the Future)

Measuring Soft Skills & Life Skills In International Youth Development Programs (USAID, YouthPower)

 (USAID, YouthPower)

Unlocking Career Potential: An Analysis of the Career Navigation & Guidance Product Landscape (Gates Foundation)

 (Gates Foundation)

A Labor Market that Works: Connecting Talent with Opportunity in the Digital Age (McKinsey)


New Skills Now: Inclusion in the Digital Economy (Accenture)


Veterinary Practitioners: Personal Characteristics and Professional Longevity (VetScript)


Can Video Game Dynamics Identify Orthopaedic Surgery Residents Who Will Succeed in Training? (New York University Medical Center)

 (New York University Medical Center)

Adapt or Perish: Updating the Predoctoral Training Model (Circulation Research)

 (Circulation Research)