The Trillion-Dollar Opportunity: Visibility into Human Potential as a Pathway to Inclusive Growth (Harvard)
Impact Hiring: How Data Will Transform Youth Employment (Rockefeller Foundation)
Learning is Earning in the National Learning Economy (ACT Foundation, The Institute for the Future)
Measuring Soft Skills & Life Skills In International Youth Development Programs (USAID, YouthPower)
Unlocking Career Potential: An Analysis of the Career Navigation & Guidance Product Landscape (Gates Foundation)
A Labor Market that Works: Connecting Talent with Opportunity in the Digital Age (McKinsey)
New Skills Now: Inclusion in the Digital Economy (Accenture)
Veterinary Practitioners: Personal Characteristics and Professional Longevity (VetScript)
Can Video Game Dynamics Identify Orthopaedic Surgery Residents Who Will Succeed in Training? (New York University Medical Center)
Adapt or Perish: Updating the Predoctoral Training Model (Circulation Research)